Dr. Bernice Moore has practiced and studied Buddhist meditation and spiritual development for over 40 years. Bernice works with Clatsop Community Action to end the stress of poverty. She also teaches mindfulness online for eMindful and for private students. Turning the wheel of the Dharma, providing teachings freely, Bernice’s aim is to offer mindfulness to anyone who wants to live fully and well, learning to grow in compassion and wisdom toward themselves and others.
Bernice has a PhD in Organizational Systems and her work is about transforming difficult situations into life-affirming energy. She has consulted internationally and domestically, creating leaders and teams that thrive in complexity and rapid change. Her aspiration is to support people’s spiritual aspirations both online and in community spaces.
Bernice is grateful to have studied with many great teachers. Among them are: Chogyam Trungpa, Ajahn Chah, Jack Kornfield, Joseph Goldstein, Sharon Salzberg, and most recently Bob Stahl, Ayya Anandabodhi and Ayya Santaccita. Bernice also has been a student of the Diamond Approach for over 20 years.